View Full Version : Pulled over
My Cobra
01-19-2005, 11:54 AM
Well i was on my way back from school today when i was on my way down the mountain. There was a cop on the right hand side of the road (Sholder) right around a turn. I guess clocking people the other direction. Anyway he pulls out real fast i guess to catch somebody after clocking them. he about hits the side of my car. Out of natural habbit i blow the horn and give the finger. :fu: Yea this does not go over well. he blue lights me and i pull over about 100 feet from where it happend. Being the dumbass that i am i get out of my car and walk toards him. At this point he is about half way to me yelling how i was speeding.
Here is the conversation:
Him: You need to slow down thew here son, you think just becuase you got a fast car that you can do whatever you want!!
Me: No sir i don't, I do not think i was in the wrong at all. I think it was you that failed to yeild to traffic.
Him: I coudl write you a ticket for unsafe movement or speeding son!!! We are out here trying to get people to slow down and its peopel like you that make our job so hard.
Me: How fast was I going? Unsafe? I had to move so i did not hit you
Him: Get back in your car!!!
Me: How fast was i going?
Him: You know the speed limit threw here?!?!?! you were doing 57
Me: Yea it is 55 i was doing 2 over. Can i see your radar?
Him: Get back in your car before i call for backup!
Me: Alright well have a good one and try to keep that car in one piece.
Him: Watch your tone boy!
Me: <under my breath> Whatever :weakestli
This cop was a total ass. After he about hit me. That is screwed up. I did not get a ticket. He did not have me on radar or anything. He did not even
01-19-2005, 12:07 PM
yea cops are pretty gay...if you cock off to them they usually just talk bullshit and they dont do anything to you, its hilarious...its like they respect you if you dont show fear.
Yeah I got off 2 tickets for cussing my ass off.. I was DD (like everynight) driving home at 2 AM.. and I get pulled over and told that I was on X , High, on coke or some drug/drunk because my eyes werent diolating or whatever.... So he gives me a field sobriety test, I pass with flying colors.. he says hes gonna write me up for noo front plate so I start cussing and am like GOD DAMNIT I HAVE TO WORK TOMORROW I JUST WANNA GET HOME AND SLEEP AND YOU PULL ME OVER FOR NO F****** FRONT PLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes like calm down and get in yer car... he hands me license and says get that fixed in the morning. lol
Joe Friday
01-19-2005, 12:38 PM
Yeah, when I'm a cop, if someone disrespects me that way, they won't be getting off with just a warning, then again I don't plan on pullin gpeople over for stupid stuff.
BTW on the way home I had a similar encounter with an EMS crown vic.
01-19-2005, 01:19 PM
You should come down here where i live. the local cops hardly give a s***!
01-19-2005, 01:23 PM
At one time, I think I knew all the State Troopers in Ohio, from being pulled over so many times.
01-19-2005, 02:18 PM
i was driving home on New's years and saw my buddy pulled over. We left the house a few minutes before me and neither of us were drinking. He got pulled over because he was a young guy in a stang and he wanted to see if he had been drinking. When he realized he wasn't, he went ahead and said he pulled him over for having a DIM license plate light!!!!!! not off, just dim. what kind of crap is that??? He was even polite because that is the kind of guy he is and the cop still wrote a $110 ticket. I told him to fight it, but haven't talked to him since.
i was driving home on New's years and saw my buddy pulled over. We left the house a few minutes before me and neither of us were drinking. He got pulled over because he was a young guy in a stang and he wanted to see if he had been drinking. When he realized he wasn't, he went ahead and said he pulled him over for having a DIM license plate light!!!!!! not off, just dim. what kind of crap is that??? He was even polite because that is the kind of guy he is and the cop still wrote a $110 ticket. I told him to fight it, but haven't talked to him since.
lol... thats a good one... tell him to take off those damn sunglasses
My Cobra
01-19-2005, 02:36 PM
yea. I woudl love to report him but we all know that does no good. what a little bitch
01-20-2005, 02:56 AM
i got pulled over at 2 am after just dropping my friend off, right when i leave his house and start rolling to the stop sign before turning left a cop saw my car and flipped a bitch, i see him finish stoping and make my left turn, he rolls it and folllows closely behind me and im coming to the next stop sign and the fucker lights me up. . . .ok wtf is this . . . well the cop calls my plates and didn't see anything, but still walks to my car i roll down the window and this is the convo.
Him: do you know why i pulled you over?
Me: nope.
Him: you have illigal lighting
Me: i do? (thinking hes gonna bust me for have 4 fog lights or somthing stupid)
Him: yeah do you know your not allowed to have collord license lights?
Me. nope.
Him: yeah, you license his hard to see, get those fixed.
Me: ok.
the whole time i was thinking "you had your headlights on right? if so how could he not see my plate" all and all it was a b.s. excuse to pull me over cause i was in a neghborhood past 2am.
Joe Friday
01-20-2005, 06:43 AM
Yeah, when I'm a cop,
In reality I just want to drive a car with blinkie lights and graphics.. I know i'm a ricAr :D
My Cobra
01-20-2005, 08:49 AM
LOL damn ricers
01-20-2005, 11:27 AM
all and all it was a b.s. excuse to pull me over cause i was in a neghborhood past 2am.
one of my friends got pulled over because "his license plate was dirty"....the funny thing it was at night and the cop went past him, so there was no way he could see the numbers unless he completely turned his head around in his moving car...which i doubt you could even read them anyway even if it was spotless.
The real reason...he was a young kid with a carful of people, and at the time, you couldnt get pulled over for GDL violations.
01-20-2005, 11:56 AM
The most BS time I ever got pulled over was for "suspcion of driving under the influence" about 5 years ago...
He said I ran over the "fog line" at one point (he had been following me on a backroad for about a mile and a half)...
I asked him WTF is a fog line, so he says the white line on the side of the road... So I said "Ohhh, you mean the shoulder marker???? You could've just said that."
So then he asks me if I had anything to drink that night, to which I replied "Yes, I had a coke, a green tea Sobe, and Dasani".. He kind of laughs then goes "That's a nice Celica GT-S, is it a 6 speed?"
After about 2 minutes of chitchat about the damn car, he goes "Well, sorry for the inconvenience, have a good night and be safe!"
Ahhh, at least he wished me a good night...
My Cobra
01-20-2005, 03:33 PM
LOL cops can be such a smart ass. I think if you show them you really do not care they will let ya go. If ya act all scared they get the big head.
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