View Full Version : 02 GT REAR BRAKE LIGHT ISSUE

03-27-2012, 10:29 AM
Hi All,

Could do with some help please,

Brake lights have stopped working, one minute fine, now there not, the third brake light is fine, have checked the following,

Fuses, OK
Brake switch on brake pedal, OK, i would assume it must be or the third brake light would not work.
Bulbs, OK

Anyone have any ideas please??

Thank you.


03-27-2012, 08:18 PM
Sounds like something is loose... when does it happen? does it happen during certain types of weather? do they work with the lights on? do the running tail lights come on?

03-28-2012, 01:22 AM
Thanks for reply, they dont dont work at all, lights on or off, everything else fine, third brake light fine, spent a few hours last night looking for chaffed wires and lose connections, nothing, one i remember them being fine las week as my wife was driving to work in the Mustang i was driving behind her and remember them working, ended up cathing her up the other day from work and noticed imeditaltley that the were not working, have looked online for resourses and the only thing i have found that i havent checked is the Multi Fucntion Switch on the colum, dont know what this would have to do with the brake lights though, this is totaly blowing my head off!!!