View Full Version : You're drinking too much coffee ...

11-01-2010, 08:50 PM

~ Starbucks is accepting bids for a franchise located in your house.

~ The National Bank of Columbia has offered you a Platinum Visa card with zero percent interest.

~ Folgers has offered you a "distributors" franchise for your block.

~ Your co-workers are getting rich buying stock in companies that manufacture foam coffee cups.

~ You just went to the store and bought ten cases of non-diary creamer "to get you through the week."

~ Those strange footprints in the ceiling of your office.

~ You haven't slept in a week and no one notices, not even you.

~ You find yourself sneezing Folger's Crystals.

~ Juan Valdez starts sending you hand-written Thank You notes.

~ You eat garlic to overcome coffee breath.

~ Your dentist upgrades to a belt sander.

~ Alvin & the Chipmunks start to sound like Barry White.

~ Auctioneers begin to make sense.

And the number 1 Sign You've Had Too Much Coffee...

~ YYoouu ssttaarrtt ttyyppiinng lliikkee tthhiiss..


Hospitality is making your guests feel at home, even if you wish they were.