View Full Version : At what point do you feel the right to tell somone to 'SLOW DOWN'

08-01-2010, 06:42 PM
So here I am driving along in my buick...

Now mind you, the buick doesnt stay idling unless its been running for a bit.. so I have to hold the throttle at about 1,000 RPM when I come to a stop. Esentially driving with 2 feet untill I get on the highway (dont ask, ill fix this later). Also, the buick as no muffler, as it fell off about 2 weeks ago (lol!) (fixing it when winter starts) It buzzes Louder then you would expect, giving it the impression that its going FAST....

I decided to take it for a quick drive to get some dinner.

Anyways, Im in my 'neightborhood', a little culdesac. Stop at the stop sign, holding my throttle around 1,000.... I let off the break... start rolling car starts to die, so I GUN IT... it goes about to about 3,000 RPM.. makes a bit of noise and then I settle her down back to 1,0000, I was doing about 25 at this point... the next stop sign is about 5 houses apart.

All of a sudden this guy yells at the top of his lungs, "SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I think to myself oh damn,, so I take my foot off the gas, and the car dies.

By this time im about .5 house away, past his house...stopped in the road HES LIKE WHAT??? WHATS UP??? YEAH YOU SLOW THE FUCK DDOWN!!!

Im like, MY CAR DIED,.... he goes WHAT??? WHAT??!!! (Flexing and shit) MY CAR DIED.... He thinks im about to get out, or talking shit back to him or something...

"OH" he says..... Then under his breath,, 'fucking punk'....

So I start up my car and drive away...

The question is... at what point do you feel that you can tell someone to 'SLOW DOWN' .... at obviously exessive speed? At muffler exhaust sound??? At the age of the person driving?? the mood you are in??

Have you ever done this... and what was your point?? To rule the neighborhood? Impress someone?

I just dont get it....


08-01-2010, 07:11 PM
If the speed is excessive and there are kids in the neighborhood yeah I'll tell someone to slow down. Safety issue only.

Otherwise, I'm not the police.

08-01-2010, 09:12 PM
I get after folks who speed down our road. I also call the cops on them. Speed limits 25 for a reason. I don't want our or anyone else kid to get hit by a car. I saw a 15 year old get hit by a car doing 55 mph 30 years ago. Horrible thing to see. He died 5 hours later.

I do get your point. There are some loud vehicles on our road (to include hawgs) even though they are not speeding. Guy may have had a bad day.

08-01-2010, 09:47 PM
dude where i live there are almost no small children, actually the adults around here act more like kids then their teenagers. i live out in the country an you can only see one house from mine, an all the guys that live on our road own mustangs so everyone is consetntly doing burnouts, fly bys, and revving. so i cant say ive ever had that happen to me around home or ever had to tell someone to slow down...seriously there are 7 houses on my road an there are 11 mustangs total parked in the driveways . i love it here!

08-02-2010, 11:03 AM
So you werent speeding. Your car just sounded like you were correct ? If thats the case I'd tell him to STFU and mind his own business.

08-02-2010, 04:00 PM
I agree with 91gt347:nutkick:


The Guardian
08-03-2010, 09:21 PM
I am with Squid on this one, safety first.

I live in a neighborhood with quite a few kids so speeding is not something that should be done in the neighborhood.

08-03-2010, 09:55 PM
I agree with everyone especially for the safety issue. My addition to this would be "GET YOUR FUCKING CAR FIXED YOU PUNK" LMAO

08-03-2010, 10:03 PM
I wasn't going to go there Gunner LMAO...... Must have sounded like a Nitro funny car :)

08-04-2010, 01:29 PM
I couldn't resist Fro .. LMAO

08-05-2010, 02:56 PM

LMAO...Yeah, that too !!!