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View Full Version : for the GS members who listen to my music

01-10-2005, 08:55 PM
have any of yall been to the Mixroom yet? I KNOW tons of ppl who like some of the old stuff i've made have not been there cause each file only has a couple DL's...

ppl keep sendin me PM's asking if i've made any new beats... It's kinda hard to see but it's at the VERY top of the lobby... if you like anything i have ther post about it and tell me what i should do next... if not, then i'm just gonna do whatever I like and the ppl who like techno, rock, ect. won't have much to listen to that i've done... I thought this whole thing was a REAL good idea cause it gives me a chance to give somethin back to GS and yall get to have some crusin music or club music to get a girl dancin with ya...

just wonderin...

oh and BTW, ANYONE who is into this sorta thing needs to give me a shout and/or just make a thread in the mixroom and put up your own stuff... GS can really get wuite a nice library goin.

If you don't like shit w/o words then wait no longer... My amp for the condenser mic came in today and once i get this recording program i'll be adding some 20 different sets of lyrics to some of my beats.

I got a BRAND NEW techno bet comin out that will TOP "sleazy"... it'll come out either tonight or tomarrow... i always make at least one beat per day.. so please keep checkin the mixroom out.

01-10-2005, 08:59 PM
Im starting to like some of your shit more and more.

01-10-2005, 09:00 PM
whenever u get new ROCK Musics done, hit me up with a PM or something:thumbup:

01-10-2005, 09:01 PM
Im starting to like some of your shit more and more.
you and jes are gonna LOVE this new techno one i got cookin up.. all i need to add to it is the bass line, the perc. line, and some additional techno sounds (all the synths are done)

01-10-2005, 09:01 PM
whenever u get new ROCK Musics done, hit me up with a PM or something:thumbup:
point of the mixroom is for me NOT to have to PM every single person when i make a new beat.

01-10-2005, 09:21 PM
point of the mixroom is for me NOT to have to PM every single person when i make a new beat.
you have to talk slow for Hmong.. he doesnt understand that

01-10-2005, 09:24 PM
you have to talk slow for Hmong.. he doesnt understand that
still learning english is he?


01-10-2005, 09:44 PM
Great stuff. I really like the sound of your music. I'm personally starting to get into fruity loops 5.6 myself, but I'm having a hard time learning. right now all i can do is mess around with a few simple effects and slayer :-p

01-10-2005, 10:07 PM
Great stuff. I really like the sound of your music. I'm personally starting to get into fruity loops 5.6 myself, but I'm having a hard time learning. right now all i can do is mess around with a few simple effects and slayer :-p
if you ever wanna do a colab just give me a PM pr post in the mixroom about it. send me a few of you loops if you're interested.. slate and myself can get your feet wet and show you how to master FL and ACID

01-11-2005, 12:12 AM
still learning english is he?
