View Full Version : A bodybuilder funny

02-19-2010, 02:42 AM
Somewhat skeptical of his son's newfound determination to become the next famous bodybuilder, the father nevertheless followed the teenager over to the weight-lifting department.

"Please, Dad," whined the boy, "I promise I'll use them every day."

"I don't know, Michael. It's really a big commitment on your part," the father pointed out.

"Please, Dad?!"

"They're not cheap either."

"I'll use them Dad, I promise. You'll see."

Finally won over, the father paid for the equipment and headed for the door.

From the corner of the store he heard his son yell, "What!? You mean I have to carry them to the car?!"


A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with bricks others have thrown at him.