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View Full Version : Weekend Plans...

01-07-2005, 09:04 AM
and by the way.. Happy Friday.

Saturday Jess and I are going over to my P's house... the rest of the weekend we prolly will be cleaning up the house. lol

What yall doing?

01-07-2005, 09:08 AM
I will be praying it doesn't snow so that I can go do some burnouts in the Cobra!

And clean the apartment...hahaha

01-07-2005, 09:27 AM
and by the way.. Happy Friday.

Saturday Jess and I are going over to my P's house... the rest of the weekend we prolly will be cleaning up the house. lol

What yall doing?
you think im cleaning again... lol you best be kidding... YOU ARE NUTs...


01-07-2005, 09:31 AM
Oh I'm also going to be working on a signature pic, and my new avatar...


01-07-2005, 09:33 AM
Oh I'm also going to be working on a signature pic, and my new avatar...

thats my boy!

01-07-2005, 09:50 AM
Aight, so I finally created my gscom website!


You remember what that means, right J????


01-07-2005, 09:56 AM
Aight, so I finally created my gscom website!


You remember what that means, right J????

get on AIM :)

01-07-2005, 10:00 AM
hopefully going out with friends, i don't work tonight woot, work 11 to 6 tomororw, then probably going out after that, next weekend me and some other guy i know (he has a blown 96 cobra) is helping a friend with a GT install a vortech woot

01-07-2005, 10:05 AM
get on AIM :)

haha, will in a sec...gotta install it on this POS laptop...

Refresh the website, I just added a pic of me and my girl!

01-07-2005, 10:11 AM
haha, will in a sec...gotta install it on this POS laptop...

Refresh the website, I just added a pic of me and my girl!
you PIMP!

01-07-2005, 10:46 AM
Working tomorrow on test EQ so vendors can build Linksys new SRX card and AP faster and cheaper then before.

After that will probly clean the house or some thing...dont know yet. Looks like rain all weekend here.


01-07-2005, 11:04 AM
My friend gets off driving probation tonight, so will probably celebrate a little.I'm leaving for Alabama in the a.m. to see some of my family I haven't seen in over a year.The more I think about it, I don't want to make the drive on my DRs.I may just take my dad's 04 mazdaspeed miata down there and leave the stang in the garage.There's about enough room in the trunk for a triscuit, but maybe it will hold enough for me and the g/f.

01-07-2005, 11:14 AM
...I may just take my dad's 04 mazdaspeed miata down there and leave the stang in the garage.There's about enough room in the trunk for a triscuit, but maybe it will hold enough for me and the g/f.

Dude, I never liked Miatas but I've been meaning to test drive one of those... I've read really good things about them.. How does it handle?? How's the engine response compared to a regular Miata?

I still think they should've tuned it up to 200 bhp from the factory, but at least in reviews it appears to be a pretty good all-around performer.

What the hell was your friend on probation for?

01-07-2005, 11:28 AM
The handling is amazing.They really should have put the rev limiter at 7500 or so though.It pulls hard over 4k,and shuts off at like 6750.I like the 6spd, but the stock shifter isn't that great.I put a borla catback on it for him.Barely louder than stock, so it doesn't sound like a riceburner.He's already considering removing the turbo and supercharging it.The suspension is awesome, and I love the factory 17s on it.I may add some pics to my page if J won't get pissed about me having a miata on here:)

01-07-2005, 12:43 PM
The handling is amazing.They really should have put the rev limiter at 7500 or so though.It pulls hard over 4k,and shuts off at like 6750.I like the 6spd, but the stock shifter isn't that great.I put a borla catback on it for him.Barely louder than stock, so it doesn't sound like a riceburner.He's already considering removing the turbo and supercharging it.The suspension is awesome, and I love the factory 17s on it.I may add some pics to my page if J won't get pissed about me having a miata on here:)

Side by side Stang/Miata shots...and I'm sure J won't mind. :thumpupn:

01-07-2005, 01:42 PM
1. Post stupid stuff on Gotstangs
2. Harass J on AIM
3. Wash Car
4. Work
5. Take care of my personal business!