View Full Version : old people doing it

03-27-2008, 09:35 PM
An old man and an old woman are both in an old folks home and have not had sex in almost thirty years, they both quite fancy each other, and decide to have sex with one another.
The old man tells the old lady there is a day trip to Blackpool for the old folks on Wednesday, he suggests they should stay behind so they can get it on while the others are away.
When Wednesday comes round all the old folks leave on a bus and the old man makes his way round to the old ladies room.
As he enters the room he finds the old woman naked on the bed with her legs spread, the man races in to perform some well-needed cunnilingus on the woman.
After about 10 seconds the old man raises his head and tells the old woman he can't carry on as the smell is too bad.
The old woman slightly embarrassed by this and says "I'm sorry, the smell must be down to my Arthritis"
"Arthritis?" says the old man "How can arthritis cause such a bad smell?"
"It's my shoulders" says the old woman "I can't wipe my arse properly".

04-03-2008, 06:10 PM
thats not good, lol