View Full Version : Disabled JFO's

02-15-2008, 05:58 PM
I don't how many people will agree with this but I feel that if you have your JFO's diabled that means you don't want to participate and with that being said you shouldn't be able to challenge either.

02-15-2008, 06:47 PM
i know you prob meant this towards me.... i turned it on to do two jfo's it will be off until i get back in july/aug. then will be on for good once my site is revamped... sorry for upsetting you

02-15-2008, 07:38 PM
People need to turn them on and leave them on.

People with them turned off will likely be declassified eventually. No reason to be classed up if they are turned off. The only reason for classification of JFO's and custom tourneys.

02-15-2008, 08:04 PM
maybe they should be fixed so that if you are classified you can't turn them off

02-15-2008, 09:48 PM
No VP this was not directed towards you or any particular person because I have seen several people doing it, I like crimsons idea but before they are turned on the judges need to take the time and go through them and declassify the ones that don't meet the minimum requirements and as far a fixing it so they can't turn them off takes control of their site away from the owner which I feel is not the thing to do and BTW VP you have been wanting a shot at my Gt for a long time so turn it on and lets go for it .. let the best Stang win

02-16-2008, 09:41 AM
then please send J a message to declassify me until i get back. when i get clzsssifed again ill most liekly be moderatly or heavily alssed anyways

02-16-2008, 10:11 AM
There is no reason to declassify your car VP .. You wanted a shot at my GT when I didn't have a whole lot of pix representing the car and now that I do I'm giving you your chance .. If you want J to declassify you then you send him the message.

02-16-2008, 04:44 PM
I just disabled my JFO and FO until I get some more pics on my site, I don't think I have enough pics to compete with some of the big boys. The JFO does not bother me as much as the FO's, you see the FO's are just like the popular vote at car shows it all works off the buddy system, you vote for me and I'll vote for you. You see what I'm saying. But if you think I should turn everything back on I would be more than happy to do so.

02-16-2008, 05:53 PM
If you are classified the JFOs should be turned on.

02-16-2008, 06:48 PM
I am classed and have mine off. If someone wants to challenge me then PM me and I will take a look. There are several cars in my class that are more like heavily modified cars. I also wan to make sure I am going to get a fair shake in a JFO. which I haven't a few times. I need to do a few things before I can compete with my "Purchased" ride.

I am on a team so the classification also works on that.

02-16-2008, 09:11 PM
If you are classified the JFOs should be turned on.


02-17-2008, 09:18 PM
well gunner i would face off but J already declassified me by request but im sure you will be around in about 5 months about when iget back and put the site together. and yes ive been wanting yo face off against you, sinsister, v6procharger, crimson and more are all on my list ;P you ppl are a great group of ppl and make this site fun thanks for the support look fwd to kickin on it with yall

02-25-2008, 07:39 PM
hopefully ill have more mods soon. i got my foglights in but one screw hole was broke.

02-26-2008, 09:03 AM
I am going to turn my Face-Off button off but I just sold the Mach and ordered a New Stang. The People who bought my Mach signed up on here so its only fair to them if they want to be in the Face-Offs. I will be back with my new Stang shortly I hope.
I will leave the pics up on the site for the Mach, but it will say sold.

02-26-2008, 03:21 PM
I am classed and have mine off. If someone wants to challenge me then PM me and I will take a look. There are several cars in my class that are more like heavily modified cars. I also wan to make sure I am going to get a fair shake in a JFO. which I haven't a few times. I need to do a few things before I can compete with my "Purchased" ride.

I am on a team so the classification also works on that.

Being on a team means absolutely nothing. The team things is not likely to happen anytime soon.

If your classified the JFO's need to be turned on. The only two reasons to be classified is for the JFO's and Tourney's. If you car is good enough to be in a tourney it's good enough to do JFO's. Most of the judging criteria would be the same.

03-27-2008, 09:43 PM
Check all the classified cars to see who is making challenges with their JFO's disable. At least that would let you know what's going on, right...

03-27-2008, 10:06 PM
Well my 2cents, VP u r in the Navy Ship at sea connectivity low we do understand, Crimson right there with ya, PM me to see if I can compete, no, I have only moded the engine bay, stock interior and almost stock exterior, get my ass handed to me when u have done more, well I asked to be classified, didn't I so I guess I lose those, Roush didn't u challenge me for an easy win as I bet I have 1/3 the money in my car u have? That line does not work for me. Ask to be classified ask for a JFO what is the difference? I accepted a challenge from Dapack I knew I would lose but if U turn on JFO u ask for it. I was a judge and would have judge Dapack over me. Not on a high horse here, but that is the name of the game. It is all for fun anyway. Life is short be happy and enjoy!

03-27-2008, 10:38 PM
I agree with everyone. Kinda...... Stop coming with excuses and bring fixes. Oh I dont want mine on because of this or that. Fix it if you can or DONT do them at all. Do them all the time or dont do them at all. It is just the damned internet fella's It is not like in real life where you have to set and spit shine your damned car because you see the judge walking near your car. JFO's are supposed to be fun and let us see our differences in both judging and how people view our cars. I KNOW I have had a few outs with people on how a JFO turned out or not agreeing with this or that but come on now. Are we grown adults? I have a bad temper and some of the older crew have seen it but the sniveling about the shit dont help. If you want to do them leave them on. If you dont get declassified. Send me a PM and I will do it for you!!!!!!!!

03-27-2008, 10:40 PM
Well since I am logged in as Yosemiddysam and when I send messages it says Angel83stang. PM Yosemiddysam!!!! Sorry for the confusion and J if you could help me with this glitch I would greatly appreciate it.