View Full Version : Life passed...New life begins...
01-04-2005, 07:24 PM
Today I received 2 news with complete contrast against each other...
At around 10 am my time, my younger sister sends me an instant message to let me know that my cousin, who was of the same age as me (2 months older) passed away yesterday morning due to complications from pneumonia. He was an authistic child, and my uncle had devoted his entire life to him.
The most vivid memories I have of my cousin Robert are those of my uncle and my girl cousins (his 2 sisters) chasing him down the street whenever he would run off... At the time it was hilarious, now it remains a nostalgic memory... He never hurt a soul, and despite his disability, he still had a personality of his own and was loved by his family.
At around 2 PM, my younger sister calls me on my cell as I was on a conference call at work... I promptly answered because I knew she might need to talk about it, but asked if I could call her right back. She said she was just calling to let me know that as of an hour prior, I was an uncle.
My older sister gave birth to her first child, my first nephew, my parent's first grandchild... Jake Carter. This came as a blessing and at a time when things had suddenly stopped making sense. We had all been real worried the past week because my sister had been hospitalized with very high blood pressure, but all went well and Jake is a healthy baby.
Mixed emotion can be very strange. I'm overwhelmed by the mixture of extreme sadness and happiness. I guess I thought writing about it would allow me to feel it all, because the numbness that came with it was making my day seem surreal. Now I'm teary eyed and I feel that knot in my throat that I'm supposed to be feeling, like the human I am. I feel better now.
01-04-2005, 07:57 PM
sry to hear bout ur cuzin man. but congrats on becoming an uncle. stuff happens for a reason. all i can say is that hes in a good home
01-04-2005, 08:03 PM
Congradulations on the birth and the new car, hopefully they'll bring a smile to your face sooner or later :D
Today I received 2 news with complete contrast against each other...
At around 10 am my time, my younger sister sends me an instant message to let me know that my cousin, who was of the same age as me (2 months older) passed away yesterday morning due to complications from pneumonia. He was an authistic child, and my uncle had devoted his entire life to him.
The most vivid memories I have of my cousin Robert are those of my uncle and my girl cousins (his 2 sisters) chasing him down the street whenever he would run off... At the time it was hilarious, now it remains a nostalgic memory... He never hurt a soul, and despite his disability, he still had a personality of his own and was loved by his family.
At around 2 PM, my younger sister calls me on my cell as I was on a conference call at work... I promptly answered because I knew she might need to talk about it, but asked if I could call her right back. She said she was just calling to let me know that as of an hour prior, I was an uncle.
My older sister gave birth to her first child, my first nephew, my parent's first grandchild... Jake Carter. This came as a blessing and at a time when things had suddenly stopped making sense. We had all been real worried the past week because my sister had been hospitalized with very high blood pressure, but all went well and Jake is a healthy baby.
Mixed emotion can be very strange. I'm overwhelmed by the mixture of extreme sadness and happiness. I guess I thought writing about it would allow me to feel it all, because the numbness that came with it was making my day seem surreal. Now I'm teary eyed and I feel that knot in my throat that I'm supposed to be feeling, like the human I am. I feel better now.
hey, sorry to hear about your cousin. congrats on being an uncle tho! the same thing has happened to me twice! the first time my aunt was put in the hospital for Cancer. but then she went through chemo and everything, and they said she was doing alot better. then about a month later she was put back in the hospital with full blown brain cancer, and she died about a week later, and she was like a secong mom to me, anywhere she went i was right there with her. but she died at 10:30 at night back in 01, and then at a lil after 11:00 the same night, my cousin had her first kid who is now a lil over 3 years old! and then my 16 year old cousin, who was more like a brother to me, than my own brother died from unknown causes. and about 1 day later my cousin had another kid. a boy this time. he is about 1 now! so i know what you mean by mixed emotions. but it will all get beter with time!
01-04-2005, 08:18 PM
Hey man, we all be ruinited in heaven someday, there it will be perfect, no complications, cant wait for that day to come!
most of the time someone is born when someone dies or vice versa.... at least thats the experience ive seen.. sorry to hear about that... but congrats at the same time :)
Stang Gurl
01-04-2005, 09:36 PM
Today I received 2 news with complete contrast against each other...
At around 10 am my time, my younger sister sends me an instant message to let me know that my cousin, who was of the same age as me (2 months older) passed away yesterday morning due to complications from pneumonia. He was an authistic child, and my uncle had devoted his entire life to him.
The most vivid memories I have of my cousin Robert are those of my uncle and my girl cousins (his 2 sisters) chasing him down the street whenever he would run off... At the time it was hilarious, now it remains a nostalgic memory... He never hurt a soul, and despite his disability, he still had a personality of his own and was loved by his family.
At around 2 PM, my younger sister calls me on my cell as I was on a conference call at work... I promptly answered because I knew she might need to talk about it, but asked if I could call her right back. She said she was just calling to let me know that as of an hour prior, I was an uncle.
My older sister gave birth to her first child, my first nephew, my parent's first grandchild... Jake Carter. This came as a blessing and at a time when things had suddenly stopped making sense. We had all been real worried the past week because my sister had been hospitalized with very high blood pressure, but all went well and Jake is a healthy baby.
Mixed emotion can be very strange. I'm overwhelmed by the mixture of extreme sadness and happiness. I guess I thought writing about it would allow me to feel it all, because the numbness that came with it was making my day seem surreal. Now I'm teary eyed and I feel that knot in my throat that I'm supposed to be feeling, like the human I am. I feel better now.
Im sorry for your loss, and congratulations on your new nephew.
The numbness you describe is normal... its your minds way of softening the impact of the shock you have just gone thru. Its like a defensive mechanism for your mind. On the same token, its important to FEEL, realize what has happened, good and bad, and move on from there. Letting things out is the best way to deal with them, move on from them, and learn from them... ironically enough, I am learning this same lesson. Enjoy every single moment you have with your new nephew. Im glad you posted about it and I hope it's helped you somehow.
01-05-2005, 12:45 AM
Thanks to everyone who responded, it makes me feel so much better knowing that so many of you know what situations like this mean in life, and how to cope/deal with them.
Today I was on and off feeling nauseated, and then feeling extremely good. It was weird, but now I'm doing a little better. I know everything happens for a good reason, even "bad" things. Everything falls in its right place, and the right time. Even things that seem untimely aren't really. It doesn't mean life is written in stone, it simply means life is always on its right course.
Thanks once again to all.
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