View Full Version : proud dad

08-31-2007, 10:49 PM
Gift From Dad

Eleven year old Billy comes home from school, and is greeted by his mother as he comes into the house.

"How was your day, dear?" asked mom.

"Great!" replied Billy grinning from ear to ear, "I had sex with my teacher!"

"What?! You bad bad boy! You go to your room right now and wait for your father to get home and punish you!"

The boy pouts his way up to his room, as his mother paces herself into a rage in the kitchen. An hour later the father comes home from work and sees his wife, obviously upset.

"What's wrong honey?" asks the father.

"Your son has been a very bad boy today, he is waiting for you in his room for you to punish him."

The father frowns, and heads up to his son's room.

"Your mom is pretty mad son, what did you do?" asks the father.

"I had sex with my teacher today dad!"

"You did!? Well son, I'm proud of you! Only eleven years old, and already a chip off the ol' block!" the father said with a grin. "Your mom doesn't understand this kind of thing, I'm not going to punish you at all. In fact, to show you how pleased I actually am, I'm going to take you in town and buy you a new bike!"

So the father and son go into town, and the father buys his son the shiniest bike in the store. In the parking lot the father asks, "Do you want to ride your bike home son?"

"Gosh no," replies the son, "my ass is still way too sore!"