View Full Version : Computer gurus, can I do this?

01-03-2005, 05:33 PM
I've got an Emachines T3092. It has an AMD Athlon XP 3000+ and some PC2700 ram. Can I put an AMD Athlon 3200+ and PC3200 ram instead? Would there be any benefit from leaving the Athlon 3000+ in there and putting in 1Gig of PC3200, or do i need to do both? Or neither?

I got left behind...

My Cobra
01-03-2005, 05:50 PM
I hate Emachines :( Any one that i have ever worked on (Like 4) have not been able to upgrade or anything. And I am not sure if you can just upgrade the processor, you woudl need to check and see what kinda Motherboard they have in those things and see if they woudl support that and what type of socket you have. Also need to check the specs on the ram see if you have any open slots and what is the fastest ram you can get for that mb. Why are you wantign to upgrade that little? you would not see that much of a diffrance. Not sure how much ram you have now i would say probley 512? if so i woudl just upgrade the ram and leave the processor a lone? do you do any video editing or hardcore gaming? Hell i play a lot of games and do not know any that take that kinda system resources

Joe Friday
01-03-2005, 08:02 PM
depends on the fsb speed of the processor. you can put a higher rated ram in but if the processor's bus speed is lower it's not going to help you out, also you have to make sure your mother board can support the ram speed.


that is where you can find pretty much all the info you need :D

01-03-2005, 08:14 PM
Thanks Joe, I'll go look.

All the reviews I read for my computer said they wished Emachines had gone ahead and put PC3200 memory in it since it costs about the same as PC2700. They made it sound like it was a "big deal". The AthlonXP 3000+ runs at a FSB of 333MHZ, the 3200+ runs at 400MHZ, hence the need for PC3200. I was wondering if you could clock a 3000+ to work at 400MHZ and just use the faster memory...if you guys in the know say that it's not worth the $$$ for what little return, then I'm not even goinna screw around with it. I don't really play games on the PC anymore, I'm hooked on NFSU2 on the PS2 at the moment...

01-03-2005, 08:50 PM
Yeah deffinently make sure your motherboard accepts it.. I found out after I installed my 3200 that my motherboard only accepts up to 2700... so now I have 3200 running at 2700.. sucks!

My Cobra
01-03-2005, 08:56 PM
LOL get a new MB

01-03-2005, 09:19 PM
LOL get a new MB

Agreed...You will love the 3200 speed and proc power. I have a XP-2500+ Barton core OCed to a 3200 (Simply changed the FSB to 200 Mhz). I can get more outta it just have not played with it that far yet.


01-04-2005, 10:20 AM
Call e-machines and ask if the MB in that specific model machine accepts it. You may save some money by not having to purchase a new MB. I don't particulalry like e-machines, but in the last few years they've been using high-quality components, and also higher speed support in their MB's. You may be lucky, so check with them. Sometimes manufacturers will go with the cheaper RAM and proc, even if the MB supports a higher FSB and memory speed.

Whatever anyone does, though..don't ever buy one of them cheap "GQ" computers from Fry's Electronics. They are the lowest scum in the computer industry. Worse than if you purchased a bunch of cheap components and built your own (such as ECS MB, etc...you know, that cheap crap you can get a MB and proc for 80 bucks, haha)...

01-04-2005, 10:56 AM
Call e-machines and ask if the MB in that specific model machine accepts it. You may save some money by not having to purchase a new MB. I don't particulalry like e-machines, but in the last few years they've been using high-quality components, and also higher speed support in their MB's. You may be lucky, so check with them. Sometimes manufacturers will go with the cheaper RAM and proc, even if the MB supports a higher FSB and memory speed.

Whatever anyone does, though..don't ever buy one of them cheap "GQ" computers from Fry's Electronics. They are the lowest scum in the computer industry. Worse than if you purchased a bunch of cheap components and built your own (such as ECS MB, etc...you know, that cheap crap you can get a MB and proc for 80 bucks, haha)...

I have been to the original Fry's for over 13 years. I could tell you horror stories about that place.

I go there now and just rip the salesmen a new one if they try to tell me about computer stuff when they have no clue as to what they are talking about. I will do it in front of customers just to get them all riled up. That get the attention I want to get my stuff and get out.

Funny thing is I have had people come in from all over the world and want to go to Fry's...Go figure.


01-04-2005, 07:03 PM
I have been to the original Fry's for over 13 years. I could tell you horror stories about that place.

I go there now and just rip the salesmen a new one if they try to tell me about computer stuff when they have no clue as to what they are talking about. I will do it in front of customers just to get them all riled up. That get the attention I want to get my stuff and get out.

Funny thing is I have had people come in from all over the world and want to go to Fry's...Go figure.


Which Fry's do you go too? Is there one in San Jose or do you drive up to Sacramento? I go to the one in Sac all the time..

01-04-2005, 07:13 PM
Which Fry's do you go too? Is there one in San Jose or do you drive up to Sacramento? I go to the one in Sac all the time..

Renton, WA...About 2 years old (if that).

I used to go to the one in Arlington, TX... That one was like #3 or #4 I think, right after all the Cali ones...

01-04-2005, 08:54 PM
You have an emachines go throw it off a cliff! I had one along with the worse processor in the world..Windows ME! lol lets just say i have video of me blowen it up!

01-04-2005, 10:19 PM
Not this Emachine, it's got what I need. It even has an 8x AGP slot available, I just need to figure out what the MB can support as far as clock speeds, i hope it's just a BIOS setting and nothing too complicated. Stupid thing needs to hurry up and get here so I can find out...

01-04-2005, 10:47 PM

My Cobra
01-05-2005, 12:05 AM
What kinda price did you pay for that system?

01-05-2005, 12:06 AM
What kinda price did you pay for that system?
billion bucks!

My Cobra
01-05-2005, 12:08 AM
Shit if you paid over 700 take it back

01-05-2005, 06:42 AM
You have an emachines go throw it off a cliff! I had one along with the worse processor in the world..Windows ME! lol lets just say i have video of me blowen it up!

Saying Windows ME is a processor is like saying Chevron 91 octane gasoline is my car's motor.


I wanna see that video Bruntzy!

01-05-2005, 06:45 AM
billion bucks!


01-05-2005, 07:05 AM
You guys ever seen those "Balance" laptops at Wal-Mart? If you think eMachines are crappy, check out those laptops! I mean, when you can buy a laptop for less than 500 bucks, new, it is bound to be a POS!

eMachines' got nothing on Balance!